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  • 英語版メイクテキスト、日本国外受講について-ニューヨークメイクアップアカデミー



資料請求・お申込み・ご質問は info@nyma.jp まで、メールにてお問合せ頂きますようよろしくお願いいたします。

About English version makeup textbooks and taking lessons outside of Japan
The N. Y. Make-up Academy has more students from overseas and students who take lessons all over the world than before.
English version makeup textbooks are available. We correct your reports and reply to your questions in English.
INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY FEDERATION also provides the International Make-up Artist License Test in English.

A fee will be added if students take lessons and the License Test in English.
Please contact us for details. info@nyma.jp Please e-mail us at info@nyma.jp if you request course information, apply for a course and have any questions.

For those living overseas, there may be cases where you cannot take the course immediately due to the logistics and postal situation at that time due to the effects of the COVID-19 disaster. Please be aware of this.